Saturday, December 14, 2013

Decisions, decisions

reverb 13 - Day 14

What was the best decision you made in 2013? What were the results? How will you continue the good work in 2014?
The best decision I made in 2013 was to pay some attention to me. I focused on my health which as a mum I have often neglected. So this year I got myself a fabulous GP. My arthritis was diagnosed and I have had physio and seen exercise physiologists for that. Its good to know what I am dealing with and how I can improve it. I have been sorting out my women's health issues and have been getting on to my iron and Vit B12 deficiencies. Starting to feel more alive with all that in order, so I am now back to my weight loss journey. I have also been looking after my mind as I have mentioned before. In 2014 I am choosing happiness and am firmly committed to a healthier me. I will keep my health in check and will nourish my body with healthy foods.
.EAt for your health!


  1. Just read your blog for Reverb 13 and you have some very wonderfully healthful goals for this year...Good luck with them

  2. Thanks for that commitment for making that commitment to your health and writing about it in a way that is inspiring. I need to deal with some health issues and it helps to see other people dealing with theirs. Good luck to you in your health practices both physical and mental.

  3. Making the decision to take charge of your health has so many positive reverberations throughout your entire life...well done you and hope the great work continues in the new year!

  4. Good on you, Mel! It sounds like tackling the fundamentals of your health provided a great foundation for dealing with everything else. x
